How to Choose Between the Home and Studio Newborn Sessions

Most of the clients who book me for newborn photos are looking for images that are not heavily propped and focused on the family. I get a lot of inquiries from clients who are torn between an in home session and a studio session. Both of these are great options that allow me to capture family centered newborn images. The one to choose is really a personal choice and based on certain variables. I always do a pre session consult with my clients and during this consult I can help them to determine the session that is best suited for their family.

Who Should Book an In Home Newborn Session?

1) Families with young children

Most of the clients who book the in home session are those who already have young toddler aged children at home. Getting out the door with a brand new baby and toddler aged children can be difficult. I never want my clients stressed and want my clients to feel at ease throughout the entire process. For some people, the in home session will work best because it alleviates the stress of getting somewhere on time.

These sessions tend to last two hours and can go over that time when young children are involved. I take lots of breaks through the session both for the baby, your children, and for you. Many people tell me that because the session is this long, they prefer to be at home. Being at home will allow you to feed your kids, set them down for a nap if they need one, and gives them the freedom to come and go from the session as they need. Kids also tend to be more at ease and relaxed in their own homes, which is an added benefit.

family laying on a bed with a toddler and they are laughing and having fun

2) Families who want to include pets

I am a long time dog owner and have never met a dog I didn’t like. I know how important your fur babies are…whether they be a dog, cat or any other type of pet. If you wish to include your pet in the session, then the in home session is the one for you. Your pet will be included in both the posed and the more natural in between photos as well. I love when the pets participate in the session. I know that having photos of your pet will be cherished for a lifetime by all of you.

3) Families who want the “in between” moments captured

Because we take so many breaks, I am able to capture those real life moments that occur in between those posed photos. In the studio, I am unable to do so because I am moving or setting up sets in between poses. Additionally, those moments don’t unfold naturally in the studio setting. If you want the most organic approach to your session, then the in home session is the right choice for you.

parents playing with their children in their house in between poses of a photo session

Who Should Book a Studio Newborn Session?

1) Families who prefer the overall aesthetic of the studio to their own home

I have many clients who quite simply love the look of my studio. I can’t say that I blame them. I designed it with an abundance of textures and in neutral tones to ensure that it is conducive to natural lifestyle images. Others simply prefer the look over the studio to the decor in their own home. It truly is a matter of personal taste.

mother dressed in ivory white dress in a bohemian studio with rattan accents and her newborn baby is in olive green

2) Families whose homes do not have enough natural light available or enough space

Many clients fear that they do not have good light in their home. Most of the time, they don’t need to worry because I only need a little window light for beautiful images. In fact, most clients have plenty of light for me to use, but they might be looking for brighter images than that which would be produced in their home. Other clients feel as though they have too much clutter in their homes or perhaps recently moved and the home is not yet finished. I ask every client to send photos of the rooms on the house in which we will shoot. This often includes: the living room, master bedroom and nursery. I am always honest and if I feel that your space is not conducive to a successful photo session, I will recommend the studio. I have only done this once in a decade of shooting in homes.

baby girl saddled in purple cheese cloth in a rattan crib and she is smiling while she sleeps

3) Families who are looking for a specific look

When I photograph in people’s homes, each session will have a unique look. All of the elements of a home’s decor will influence the overall look of the images. The color of the wall paint, the color of the furniture, the type of furniture and the amount of available light will influence the look of the photos. If you peruse the in home sessions on my blog, you swill see that each one is different. All of them are beautiful, but because each home and family is unique, they will vary slightly. This is not a bad thing; in fact, this is what makes the in home session so special. However, some people prefer to know exactly what their images will look like. Studio sessions will look very similar. The lighting in the studio is consistent because I only shoot at a specific time of day there and it is a controlled lighting environment. Additionally, the decor is always the same. The only variation is what your family wears to the session.

I hope that this guide helps. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or to book your newborn session.


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