What You Need to Know About a Studio Newborn Photo Session

Congratulations on the newest addition to your sweet family! These first few days & weeks are just so magical and it is such an honor to capture your little babe during this special time. Here are some tips & tricks I’ve found to be super helpful in preparing for your newborn session so it can be as fun, stress free and enjoyable as possible.

toddler boy sitting next to newborn brother in moses basket with rattan room divider behind him and pampas grass vases

When to Get in Touch to Schedule the Session:

Essentially, as soon as baby is born. Once things settle down, please send me an email, call or text (whatever method you prefer) to let me know your sweet baby has arrived. We can then schedule your studio newborn session.

Sessions take place between 4 and 20 days old. The sooner you can let me know baby has arrived, the sooner we can make sure you have some date options to choose from during the 4-20 day age range. If you want sleepy images, it is best to schedule the session around days 7-10. If we will be focusing more on the family, then anytime within the first 21 days is ideal.

Sessions are on weekday mornings. Newborns are most sleepy & content earlier in the day. Depending on the day, sessions can start between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Because my weekends fill up with other types of sessions months in advance, newborn sessions are on weekday mornings unless I happen to have a rare Saturday morning opening.

Let me know if there is a certain set up, prop or outfit you want me to use. Feel free to take a look at my website, Facebook or Instagram account & if you see something you want us to try, shoot me an email so I can have it ready.

baby newborn boy in rope bwol with hat has eyes open looking at camera

On the Day of the Session:

Stimulate & keep baby awake for an hour or so before the session. This helps make baby extra sleepy for the session & when baby can get in a deeper sleep, it makes posing & going from one set to another easier. A warm bath is a great way to do this as well as talking & interacting with baby while keeping he or she in just their diaper.

Feed baby right before the session. A full belly makes for a happy, sleepy baby. Feel free to come a little early to the studio to feed baby right before, especially if you have a longer car ride. Also, feeding baby as much as possible in the 12 hours leading up to the session will allow for baby to sleep as deeply and as long as possible.

I recommend being able to have your older children leave once their photos are finished. I do family & siblings first. Sessions can last anywhere from 1.5-3 hours which can be a long time for siblings to wait, especially when the studio needs to be somewhat quiet. There is a park right up the block from my studio that is perfect for younger kids. The beach is also a block away. There are great kid friendly restaurants in town too. Another option is to take two separate cars to the studio and Dad can take siblings home when we are done with them.

If you are okay with baby using one, bring a pacifier, even if baby doesn’t seem to take to it. Sucking is a soothing mechanism & can really help with settling baby once I have them in place for photos, even if I have to hold the pacifier for a bit to help.

The studio will be warm. Baby’s like being warm and having the heat cranked up (no matter the time of year), helps babe stay settled and sleepy. You are more than welcome to bring drinks and a change of clothes to change out of if you think you’ll get hot.

There is no need to bring anything for baby to wear. I provide all the wraps, headbands, hats, clothes & props. Unless there is something special you want to bring for your newborn’s photos, don’t worry about outfits. If there is something special you want to bring, be sure to let me know so I can work a set around it.

When baby needs a break, we’ll take a break. Don’t stress if baby gets fussy. If baby needs to stop to eat or have their diaper changed, we most definitely will. Most babies need to eat at least once during their session. It’s hard work looking that cute.

toddler sitting on white rattan daybed with rust pillows looking at baby brother in knit onesie

What to Wear

Go simple for family’s wardrobe. When planning your outfits for the family & sibling shots, stick with soft, neutral colors like grey or cream as the dominate colors. This keeps the focus on baby and the family connection. I also love earth tones for the studio. Colors like olive, brown, rust and camel work wonderfully. I also have a client closet stocked with women’s dresses available on loan for moms.

Avoid neon colors. Vibrant, neon colors cast onto skin changing the color and tint of your skin.

For siblings, I recommend a classic, timeless outfit. Steer clear of logos and shirts with writing. Those can be distracting in photos as the eye immediately goes to the words or picture on the shirt instead of the sweet sibling moment.

I am more than happy to help! If you have any questions or want some inspiration for wardrobe or other help, please shoot me an email.

Sit back & enjoy the session. Not to sound super cheesy, but it’s true — this time is so fleeting, take it in! I want you to have fun watching your new little one’s first photo session. It’s going to be fantastic! I can’t wait!

newborn boy in tan and white knit jumper with hat in a rope basket and pampas grass wreath sleeping with hands on face

If you are interested in a studio newborn session, contact me.


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