After the Rain Comes the Rainbow | Spring Photo Sessions

I have come to the realization that the older I get and the older my children get, life just seems to get increasingly chaotic. Most of the time, I am able to embrace the chaos of life and roll with it, but like most working moms, I often find it extremely challenging to pause, remain present in the moment, and enjoy the simple things in life. Must confess that there are many times that I put off doing things with my children because I have deadlines to meet or am caught up in the day to day routine of being a mom.  Compounding to this problem is the fact that I am a Virgo and, therefore, by nature I find it difficult to deviate from my work and routines and tend to be strive for perfection. 

In the spirit of full disclosure, this need for perfection is what also drives my photography. I thrive on it and oddly enough, I actually love this quality about myself. I do not think that I am a "perfect photographer," but instead, I am driven to learn more and improve my skill and vision. I put every ounce of my creative self into photo sessions with my clients and am always defining and honing my creative process. This same drive is a blessing in some ways, but in others a curse.  For example, for the past year, I have had a vision for a photo shoot involving my daughters, umbrellas, and a rain storm. In fact, I purchased adorable Matilda Jane umbrellas a few months ago with a very specific vision of photographing my girls with the umbrellas during a pristine rain shower at golden hour coupled with a stellar sunset; sounds pretty amazing, right? It is also pretty ridiculous to wait around for that type of moment to occur. 

Today was a mild day here in Long Beach and I spent the afternoon with my family, which I have not been able to do in over a week. My girls asked me if they could go outside and play in the rain. Although I live less than a block away from the beach, I have not been to the beach in well over two months. So, we set out for the beach and as I stepped out the door, I grabbed their umbrellas that were busy collecting dust in the mud room of my house.  Today was not the day that I envisioned for a photo session of my girls, but the afternoon took on its own form of perfection. Best of all, I was able to capture images of my girls embracing life to the fullest and enjoying those moments the rain, which as adults we forget to do. It is funny that sometimes in life our children are the ones who teach the most valuable lessons.   

Matilda Jane toddler photos session
Children's beach mini session
Children's beach mini session
photographer for beach photo sessions
lifestyle family photography
photographer for candid and natural portraits of children

If you are interested in a session with me, contact me.  


Lifestyle Inspired Family Newborn Sessions in the Studio


Yay! It's a Boy | Natural In Home Newborn Photography